Swiss Chocolate Flavored Decaf Coffee (1lb Bag)

Swiss Chocolate Flavored Decaf Coffee (1lb Bag)
1 lbGrind Qty: $14.50
Chocolate lovers – look no further than this exceptional creation! Our decaf coffee retains the same delicious flavors and aroma as our regular coffee, except it is decaffeinated and lacks effects of caffeine. The Decaf Swiss Chocolate flavored coffee is the end-all-be-all for chocolate and coffee connoisseurs. If you love nothing more than milky chocolate, this coffee will answer all your chocolate lovin' dreams the minute its sweet, smooth flavor hits your lips! Made with Swiss Chocolate flavors in mind, you know your taste buds will melt into a decadent state of chocolate-lovers coma. Does it get any better than this?

Swiss Chocolate is always made with the utmost of quality in mind, and believes this Decaf Swiss Chocolate flavored coffee has the sweetest characteristics just like your favorite chocolate should. Authentic in taste and rich in every last drop of flavor, this brew will make your mouth melt like no other – so go ahead, indulge. With 2 calories per cup, our Decaf Swiss Chocolate coffee is something to feel guilt free about!

Made with real 100% Arabica beans, this Decaf Swiss Chocolate coffee creation will show you how good flavored coffee can be while providing you with your favorite chocolate tastes. All of our coffees are shipped and roasted on the same day, so you will enjoy our Decaf Swiss Chocolate coffee as fresh as possible. For chocolate lovers, it doesn't get any better than this!
4 Reviews
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100% Recommend this product (4 of 4 responses)
By Victor P.
Weirsdale, Florida
Excellent Tasting Decaf Coffee
March 10, 2015
I purchase three different Flavored Decaffinated Coffees, Mocha Rocca, Italian Chocolate and now Swiss Chocolate. I just love all three and purchase them repeatedly. Love the flavors!
Victor A Pati
  • Excellent tasting, Fresh, nicely packaged with my name on the bag.
  • NONE
By Cherie
December 5, 2020
By Robert L.
Dover, Pa.
Great coffee!
February 2, 2019
Very good coffee we will be back to purchase more!
  • Can not wait to taste some other flavors.
  • None I can think of.
By dave
very good chocolate flavored coffee
November 21, 2016
it does not have anything but chocolate and taste very much like chocolate milk with coffee